Beyond arte with love

Camilla Groen in her secret world, where she celebrates colours, love and art. I first encountered Camilla's work  in a moment of celebrating love, at the Valentine's fair. It was the most inspiring corner with string artwork and paper crafts. Camilla went to university in the capital of Rio de Janeiro to get her degree in International …

Ciaobella calling all fashionistas to meet their launch project on Kickstarter

Ciaobella - Made by you - is an Italian fashion accessories brand pioneering the concept of customizing your own luxury purse, bag of shoes. They produce different sizes, colours and shapes, each section of the accessory, deliver as individual pieces and you zip or click them within 5 minutes. So it is all "made by you" …

Late edition of my experience at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam – Part I

Last Sunday I was like a runaway-Claudia. I needed to get downtown Amsterdam to my unique experience of the sidewalk and the catwalk. The sidewalk being the "Fashion Special" Zalando promoted to get designers and brands exhibiting their products on the local goods market in Amsterdam. I will have to hold on this topic for now …